Saturday, June 10, 2006

More pictures from the first week

More Pics that I did not fit into the previous blog.

Here is a pic of Rahlstedt, the area around which I live. It is more of a residential area and much cheaper to live in then the central Hamburg district.

Here is a pic of Bahnhof Wandsbek, the station that I go to after leaving Rahlstedt. It is part of my commute to work. On Friday an old woman was getting on the train as a group of people, including me, were getting off. She happened to drop her purse between the train and the sidewalk onto the tracks. She actually tried to get a man to go down in there to pick it up before the conductor came running. I don't know the end of the story because I had to catch a bus, but it was interesting. Another thing about the public transport system here is that it is excellent. I heard about German efficiency and organization, but the transport was above and beyond my expectations. I am serious when I say this that everything is almost exactly on time. Not like in Austin when most of the time the busses where late or early. The Finish trainee said that after a few days she was so used to the on-time schedule, that when a bus was (god forbid) 10 min late, she and the people around her were shocked. I have to say, that I have gotten comfortable with the system.

Here is a Beer Hall. It is interesting that though the sign is in German, the writing is pretty self explanatory. This one is for you Papa:~>

Here is a pic from a park downtown. I took this pic because I thought about how something this hazardous would not find its way to American children's playgrouds.

Here is a pic of the pier. It lies, not surprisingly, below the red light district.

Here's a pic I took yesterday at the train station in Rahlstedt. Notice some people are in fan get up.

Here's a pic of downtown. I am not a great photographer, but I thought that it was kind of neat with the contrast of the old and the new.

Ok, I am throwing this one in for fun.

An old man and his swans...This pic was taken downtown, close to the city hall, or Rathaus.

Here's a pic of the lake downtown. Very beautiful.

And here it comes, the obligatory pic of the Rathaus. Notice the drinking in front.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sally!
Wow. We were pretty blown away by the pics. Very descriptive too. A little too descriptive... nah just kidding. Your work hours are great. 10 to 2 or 3??!! That's how much time it takes me to get up in the mornings. Hehe. Mama liked it too. She even put off chores (gasp!) to sit here with me and read it. Hope you have a blast every moment you're there.
Love Mama and Emma
PS Papa is obsessively watching futball.
PPS Du lukter

5:06 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:06 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, have you used your german pick-up lines yet? I have many diseases! tell me about it. oh, and did you see that poor united Cote D'Ivore was dominated by argentina in the word cup? anyways.. type again more later.. maybe a manuscript like your blog.. hahaha. but i liked. (:

7:33 p.m.  

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